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the information that we are presenting here is what we are studying on our uniformed public service course at chesterfield college we hope you enjoy. if you require any more information please concat us via email at Adam.c.485@gamil.com

Monday, 14 March 2011

Command and Control By Josh Robinson

In a chaotic environment in an incident such as a RTC there has to be a considerable amount organization and leadership and our next part of our presentation is about how the emergency services liaise with each other and how command and control system works

Command Structure
The emergency services in the United Kingdom have a Gold, Silver, and Bronze command structure.
It was created by the Metropolitan Police in 1985 after a serious riot that broke out in north London where PC Keith Blakelock was murdered by rioters
The police service soon realised that the ranks system that they were using was no good for sudden incidents because on the evening of the riot it was not clear who was in charge of coordinating the police efforts to stop the riots.
The police decided that three important roles where more important than the many ranks that some offers held.
Gold silver and bronze command structure was created and soon rolled out to all police units across the county as the standard command protocol

heres is the Command structure 

The benefits of having a command structure emplaced is that it allows for an effective response to the incident to be done quickly and efficiently with no confusions about what service is in control and who is responsible for what actions whilst the operation is on-going the command structure allows for prompt and immediate action

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