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Sunday, 20 March 2011

The Emergency services 999 systems

The 999 system is emergency services system that allows members of the public to directly and promptly contact the emergency services such as
·         Police service
·         Ambulance service
·         Fire service
Specialist Units
·         Coast Guard
·         Mountain rescue
·         Cave rescue
The 999 emergency service system was first introduced on the 10th November 1935 after there was a bad fire on wimple street as a result of poor response times five woman where killed.
A member of the public was outraged and disgusted after they tried to notify the fire brigade but was then placed on hold by the telephone exchange after complaints where printed in the times newspaper a government inquiry was launched and the findings found that there had to be a direct contact line to the emergency services.
The 999 emergency  number is one of the oldest numbers in the world and is internationally recognised

The reason why 9-9-9 was chosen was because A and B buttons was designed for pre-payment services this was introduced in 1925 this existing services could be modified to allow for free calls to the emergency services the modified system would only allow the three digit number of 999 to be used for three services.

Calling procedure

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